Friday, March 9, 2012


"Be daring, be fearless and don't be afraid that somebody is going to criticize you or laugh at you. If your ego is not involved, no one can hurt you." ~ Mahala Punateer

Ah, the ego. Most of us go through our day overly concerned about our appearance, whether physical or otherwise. Concerned over who likes us, who doesn't. Am I good enough? Strong enough? Smart enough? The list goes on. And on.

Trust me. I am not immune. Although I try as hard as I may to drop the ego at the door and focus on my practice when my feet touch the mat, I still find myself glancing around the room from time to time. Fixating on a flaw of mine. I can't get into the splits, but LOOK at me! Do you see how long I can hold crow pose? Seriously, do you see my hair?? Why is it never as perfect as hers? And then I stop. Reconnect with my breath, and remember. I am here for me. I am discovering me. All this worry, all this concern over what they are thinking, is not serving me. As a matter of fact, it is chipping away at all the work I have done to build my confidence in myself. My strength.

I am not a competitive person. I will gladly let you squeeze in front of me in traffic. Ill readily give up the last brownie if you want it. Ill easily let you win a race, because the winning is not important to me. So why then, does that little (ok, maybe not so little) voice of the ego jump in and try to derail me at a time when I feel my most confident, most comfortable in my skin? Perhaps it is because I am no longer hiding in my shell, afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing, wearing the wrong thing, being self conscious about the way I look...I am daring. I am fearless. I am learning. I am growing. I am remembering.

Whether on or off the mat-the next time you are looking at yourself, picking apart every little flaw and comparing it to someone you perceive as being "perfect"-take a deep breath, and tell that little devil on your shoulder to hush. YOU are whole. YOU are daring, fearless and brave. Those that would look at you and laugh or criticize you do so out of fear, or perhaps jealousy. Let go of your ego and laugh with them. Stand up tall. Let your feet ground you to the Earth. Let your spine be long and strong. Pull your shoulders back and reach the crown of your head to the heavens. Let your confidence shine. You are. I am.

So, wear that polka dot dress with the striped scarf! Topple out of your bound Runner's Lunge and laugh about it! Sing at the top of your lungs, wherever, whenever. Follow your dream, visualize it and make it happen. Throw caution to the wind. Let them laugh. Let them roll their eyes. You know something they don't. For now. Live.  

"Be daring, be fearless and dont be afraid that somebody is going to criticize you or laugh at you. If your ego is not involved, no one can hurt you." ~ Mahala Punateer

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